Thursday, September 10, 2009

WLH - Websites and Blogs

Greetings Family,

Mary Herbert, Editor of the WLH Newsletter that we normally receive during the family reunion help create the wlhnewsletter website. This website is secure- the information is for and about the Wilson, Lake and Herbert Family Circle members only.

If you are not yet registered, please register for access to this website. You should click on here>>><<< A page will come up showing our WLH Family Circle Logo. You should then scroll down to and click- Register, then enter your information, your user name (could be a nickname) that you choose, your email address and password (twice). You will need to type in your first and last name. You may post your profile and photo later if you want- Mary would love to have this. If you want you can send in an email identifying yourself if you think Mary may have a question about your identity. Mary welcome your feedback and can make necessary changes of any of your submissions if necessary. So please register-and check it out for yourself. Please pass this email on to other interested family members.

Our hope is that this website will compliment our other Chapter Websites –
WILSONLAKEHERBERT.COM - Norristown, PA Chapter, and
WLH D.C. Chapter Newsletter – Washington, DC Chapter
and any new WLH Family Chapter websites that will be developed.

Important! Regarding registration- once you register, you will be sent an email indicating you are approved with instructions to go to the Website. This must be processed within (5) five days after you receive your email in order for it to be activated, so look out for your email. Thanks, Mary Herbert

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